Monday, May 24, 2010

Preparing to leave

Hello everyone! Many of you were able to read my blog last fall as I was student teaching in Thailand. Now, at the request of my family, I created a new blog to describe my new journey to teach in Indonesia. Since I am leaving a week from Thursday (ahh!) I thought I would just write a pre-trip entry to let you know my thoughts about leaving. Actually, my thoughts are probably best described by giving you this excerpt from my journal entry written a couple of days ago:

Well, I leave for Indoneisa two weeks from tomorrow! I can't believe it! For so many years, I've wanted to move overseas, and now that it's finally here, I must admit that I'm scared. There are so many things I don't know. People keep asking me questions and I have to keep saying, 'I don't know.' But I think God wants it this way so that I will learn to depend on Him. When Satan puts doubts and fears in my mind, God reminds me of who He is and what He's already done for me. I think of my student teaching in Thailand, and how God perfectly provided for my every need.
This is what I was reading this morning:
"But now, this is what the Lord says - he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: 'Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.'"
Isaiah 45:1-3a

I just wanted to share that with you. Those verses in Isaiah are especially encouraging to remember that I belong to God and He will be with me!

Anyways, to update you on the last few weeks... I graduated from PBU on May 15th! The picture above is at graduation with some of my friends who came. I have been enjoying time with my grandparents from Washington state and my uncle from California who came up to visit for graduation. Last week we took a two-day trip to Washington DC, which was fun. I had not been there in about ten or more years!

We were able to visit quite a few places in those two days! My favorite was the Museum of Natural History where my uncle and Joy each held a hissing cockroach! (I was happy just to take the pictures and not participate :)
As an answer to prayer, I heard back from the school today and they said that it will not be a problem for me to get a work visa once I arrive. They also gave me the names of the four roommates I will have! I am excited that I won't have to live by myself! :) Two of them are also new teachers to the school, so hopefully we can encourage each other as we adjust to the school.
Well, as I prepare to leave, I have a couple of prayer requests that you can remember for me:
- Wisdom to know what to pack: I want to try to fit everything into 2 50 lb bags, but it might be hard!
- Safe flights
- Easy time to get through customs!
- Adjustment once I arrive to the culture, school, and my roommates!
- That I would put God first, not my desire to adjust or be a good teacher!
Thank you for your support and prayers! I will still have the same e-mail address when I leave, so please keep in touch with that and also skype or facebook! :)