Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sightings at Supermal

Today is Wednesday, Aug. 24, meaning there are only 2 more days left until our 2 week break! (It's kind of funny that this holiday at the end of Idl Fitri is longer than the teacher's summer "break".)
Because we know this is the last week until break, the days have seemed longer for Janice, Kiersten, and I at our apartment. Today when Janice and Kiersten arrived home from school, they suggested we go to JCo. In case I haven't explained it before, JCo is a coffee and donuts place original to Indonesia that tastes better and is cheaper than Starbucks. So we decided to go to Supermal, the nearest big mall to us in West. (It's the same mall where my church is located.)
Once at the mall, we first went to the grocery store to pick up some things. (Most malls here have a grocery store and movie theater in addition to the stores and restaurants!) Then we decided to have a "dinner" before eating JCo for dessert. :) While at A&W and JCo, I saw five of my students. Many families like to go to the mall for their entertainment in the evenings, so I was not surprised to see them there.
Just in closure to this post, I don't always eat so American. haha There are just some days when it is a nice treat to eat chicken nuggets and a donut for dinner. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha we get Idl Fitri off... just Tuesday. And you have Supermal? We have Megamall... and the Mall of Asia. :P
