Sunday, June 5, 2011

one year reflections

Well, it's been a year ago today that I arrived in Indonesia!! Can you believe it? I can't! This past weekend I have been looking at my pictures from the past year and trying to pick out a summary of my year to show all of you when I am at home. It has reminded me of what I have experienced this year and what God has done for me. When I first arrived, I felt like God had abadoned me, but He has reminded me that He was with me all along. He is always enough!
Even today, He showed me answers to prayer. I have just moved to West Surabaya into a new apartment (the school wants us to be near the campus where we teach). My roommate, Janice, is staying in East for the weekend with our old housemates. So I had to go to church by myself this morning. Although it is the same church, it is a different branch here in the west, and I was feeling nervous last night to go by myself. So I asked God to give me someone to sit with, someone to eat lunch with, and a ride home. And God answered all 3 requests! He really is a good Father who loves to give good gifts to His children.
At first when I found out we were going to move to west (and be separated from some of our roommates), I was very upset. But I know that God provided this place for me here. Even though it is small, everything is new and clean! (unlike Country heritage...) I have been enjoying being closer to school and being able to see other teachers and friends outside of school because they also live in West. On Tuesday night (the day I moved), I was able to attend my students' birthday party. (The picture above is of that.) Yesterday, I met some teachers at school and went shopping for things that I want to bring home (they call it oleh-oleh here; souvenirs). :)
Well, that's all for now. I can't wait to come home in 10 days and fill in the rest of the details in person!! God bless you all!