Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Singapore tomorrow!

Hello! This will just be a quick update since it has been over a week since I updated this. I thought that during the vacation I'd have more time, not less! :) First of all, for those of you who don't know, I am going to Singapore tomorrow just for the day to get my visa renewed. It will be a tiring day, but fun (I hope). Susan, the South African lady from the retreat, will hopefully meet me there after I take care of my visa and have coffee with me.
So, let me quickly tell you what I've been doing. On Saturday after the retreat (which was the 19th), I went to a dedication of the West building which had been renovated. We prayed over the building and then there was a prayer of dedication for the teachers, which was neat.
That evening there was a fellowship time at a visiting Filipino pastor. I was the only non-filipino there, but it was fun. I got to try a lot of their foods, and they were really good. I especially liked this one fruit called mangosteen (I'm not sure how it's spelled).
On Sunday we went to church and then hung out at the mall until it was time to go to a birthday party. Mr. Arno and Santa's son is visiting from South Africa and he celebrated his 21st birthday, so they had a nice birthday party for him at a restaurant. At the party, I met a couple from America (well, the wife is from Indonesia but has lived for a while in America). They go to my church, but I hadn't met them there yet. Through talking with Debbie, the wife, I found out about the church's VBS this week and I offered to help. We exchanged numbers and I was excited for the opportunity to help and have something to do during the vacation!
The rest of the week was kind of slow after the weekend and I had some hard days. But there were good moments too. On Tuesday we went to see the new Karate Kid movie, which was very good, by the way. :) On Wednesday I had my first Bahasa lesson with my friend from IPH, Miss Yuni. She mostly taught me how to communicate with a taxi driver, so hopefully I can try taking a taxi by myself soon. She also drove me to a place where I could buy some poster paper for the upcoming school year. Then she treated me to lunch where we had soto ayam, which is like chicken soup.
On Thursday I was feeling particularly sad, and I went to Arno and Santa's house. They gave me South African tea (roibus, I think it's spelled) and I talked with them for a while. I also borrowed 3 English books from them, which made my day!
On Saturday I went with my roommates and Laarni, another teacher here, to a ladies bible study at church. I met another girl from America! I also talked with the other girls there. It was nice to have an English fellowship. We are going to go back. When we got back, we went to Arno and Santa's for a game night. She made biscuits and we had tuna fish, which was so good! Their daughter, Lynae (I'm not sure how to spell it) made chocolate muffins for dessert! Yum!
On Sunday, Ms. Nila from school took us on a day trip to 2 sites away from Surabaya. The first was a safari, but it wasn't as cool as the real ones in Africa. The animals weren't in cages, but the space was still small like a zoo. And we saw them through the closed windows of our van. But then we went to this part where you could pay to have your picture taken with certain animals. I held a baby lion!
Then we went to an amusement park. We only rode on two rides. The first one is hard to explain, but it was like a car that you pedaled around a track high in the air. I got scared on that one. Then we tried the big swing ride. My favorite part was the small night market they had where I bought a few souvenirs. The park also had a garden with different statues lit up. There was a piano player at one and he let us sing songs in the microphone. I sang a song, propelled by some force. It was fun, even though I sounded awful. :)
Well, I'd better go to bed now because I have to wake up so early. Talk to you later!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Wow! I just looked at the date of my last blog and it's been over a week since I last wrote! My days have definitely been busier than I thought they would be, so I haven't been able to get online often.
This post will just be about the IPH teachers' retreat that I went on last Wednesday-Friday. Sometime later I'll try to catch up on what's been happening since then.
Early Wednesday morning, my roommates and I trudged to the nearby IPH building to board one of three buses that would carry us to the retreat's location. Don't ask me the name of the town, because I'm not sure. We stayed at a nice conference center that was started by believers.
The 2 1/2 days we were there were filled mostly with sessions. The theme of the retreat was prayer. After the first session, we had a chance to pray with another person. I prayed with one of the girls who will be roommate after she gets back from vacation. It was an encouraging time for me. Then, in the afternoon, discouragement set in. During the praise and worship session, I felt overwhelmed because I was tired of not being able to understand what was going on in conversations. So I started crying. The lady sitting next to me handed me a tissue. Then she started translating for me, which was sweet. I found out later that her name is Ibu Swan (Ibu is the title you put in front to show respect) and she is the wife of the school's owner.
During dinner, I started crying again, and the other girls at my table encouraged me. That evenings' session was about God's love. The speaker shared from the gospel of John and the characteristics of John because he knew that he was loved by Christ. Knowing we are loved by God changes our attitude and actions. It makes us courageous, and more understanding of God's word and will.
The next day, one of the morning sessions I met with the 3 other expat teachers who are not from the Philippines and with a lady from South Africa. Again, I started crying as I shared my story of what led me to Indonesia. (Shoot, I had been doing so well with crying and then I cried two days in a row! :) Santa, who teaches here and is from South Africa, and Jenny, the lady visiting from South Africa both encouraged me. Arno and Santa live at Country Heritage too, and they are the age of my parents. They told me I can stop by their apartment any time I want to cry or talk or just hang out.
In the afternoon, Ibu Suzy spoke. She is the director of the school. She shared about intercessory prayer again. I don't remember everything she shared, but while she was speaking, God gave me this verse: Psalms 85:12 "The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest." I had been feeling so discouraged and God spoke to me through this verse that He has promised to give good things to me. And He will use me to glorify Him here in this land - Indonesia.
After she spoke, Ibu Suzy gave us a chance to pray with each other in groups of 2. First I prayed with Janice, one of my roommates. It was really encouraging. Then Ibu Swan came and prayed for me. I don't remember exactly what she said, but she prayed with the assurance that God will use me here to glorify Him. So it confirmed the verse God gave me. Then Ibu Fanny (another leader at the school) came and prayed for me. She put her hand over my heart and prayed for peace. Then she said that I am not abandoned or lonely because God is with me. She also prayed with the confidence that God will use me here. Again, God confirmed His promise to me.
I felt so much peace after those prayers. Even though my circumstances didn't change, my understanding of God did.
The whole retreat was worth it just for that moment!
On Friday, during the testimony time, I felt led to share my experience. Normally, I don't like to share in front of people, but I felt like I should. Telling it to the group reconfirmed God's promise in my heart, just like it is now as I am sharing it with you.
Well, that's all for now. I will write more later! Thank you for all your prayers, e-mails, and encouragement!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Anxiety and Relief

In starting this blog post, I just wanted to share a verse that I read recently in my devotions that really encouraged me. I can't remember the reference, but it is from the Psalms. It said something like this: "When I cried out, 'O, Lord, my foot is slipping!' your love upheld me. Your consolation brought me relief from anxiety." Even though these past days have brought anxiety and distress, God's love has brought me relief and comfort. I don't remember if I said this before, but He has been using my devotional to specifically minister to my needs. I have been reading "Streams in the Desert" and each one seems like it was written directly to me. For example, recently I was awake in the middle of the night because of jet lag and I decided to read my devotions. It stared out with, "Have you ever had a sleepless night?" I have no doubt that God is with me and knows exactly what I'm going through!

Well, to try and update you on what's been going on... Let's see. On Thursday my new roommates came. They both have known each other since the first grade!

That evening they went out grocery shopping and I went with Christine and Hannah to Carrefour for groceries myself. When we got back it was late, but we hadn't eaten dinner yet, so we cooked together in mr. ken's apartment. It was fun all sharing our food together.

On friday I went with the other new expat teachers to an orientation at IPH east. There are 3 filipinos and 1 indonesian who just came from living 11 years in America. It was kind of fun talking to him since he could relate to me because he spent so much time in America.

Friday afternoon I went with the other teachers from IPH west playgroup and kindergarten on an overnight trip to a villa owned by one of the students. The villa was about 2 hours away and was near some mountains so it was much cooler! Unfortunately I didn't know it would be cold, so I didn't bring warm clothes.

We didn't do too much while there. Just ate and hung out with the other teachers. It's been nice to have the other Indonesian teachers gradually begin to talk to me. I think they were shy at first because English is not their first language, but they have been talking to me more.

On Sunday I went to a church called ICA (International Christian Assembly). Because we went to the early service, there were not that many people there and no one really introduced themselves to me. I was very disappointed because I had been hoping to meet some English speaking friends there. So during the service and a little afterwards I cried (again). At least my tears have limited themselves to every other day now. :) The other ladies with me were comforting, but it was still a discouraging time.

In the afternoon I went with Christine and Hannah to an Indonesian church that has an English speaking service. They go sometimes to teach sunday school or to help in the worship. This church had even less people, but I enjoyed it more.

That evening Mr. Ken made dinner because it was his birthday so a bunch of us went to his apartment to have dinner.

Yesterday (Monday) we went to school and didn't do too much except practice for a dance that we will perform during the retreat. I hate dancing, as many of you know, but they wanted me to be a part of it! I hope I don't mess up too much!

In the afternoon I tried doing my laundry. It was quite an interesting experience. The first machine I used was mostly manual. You had to fill up the the machine yourself and then put the clothes in the spinner separately. I must have filled it too full because the spinner was making a loud noise. Then their house cleaner was there and she started taking my laundry to the boys' apartment because they have a better washer. But we couldn't get that one to work at first. Finally, my other load of clothes was washed and now they are all hanging in my room to dry!

Well, that's about all for now. Talk to you all later!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Hello again everybody! Sorry it's been a little while since I wrote. I have been trying to settle in and gather my thoughts and emotions. It has been a little rough at some points since I arrived! Jet lag has been hard (I'm still not over it), the hardest it's ever been for me. And my emotions are all over the place. It's funny how things are never what you expect. I tried really hard not to build up expectations for coming here, but of course I did anyways. When these expectations were not realized, I was forced to choose between trust or despair. I think God, in his mercy, is helping me to trust Him and I am pulling through this adjustment time.
Let me update you on the events of this past week. In some ways, it has gone quickly. I can't believe it's already Thursday! Let's see... Sunday night was when I last wrote. After that I tried to go to stay, but stubborn old jetlag wouldn't let me. I ended up staying up all night. Let's just say it was a long, emotional night. On monday morning I went to school with Christine and Hannah. On the way we picked up the principal, Miss Christine, and another teacher. When we got there, I was surprised to find out that Hannah and I will be the only non-Indonesian teachers this coming school year. It was kind of hard to sit through the morning meeting, all in Bahasa (what they call their language). Then Christine showed me the "curriculum" which is basically just a stack of compiled worksheets and workbooks. And instead of just teaching K-5, like I was told, I will be teaching K-4 as well. To top it all off, the kids were all practicing for their graduation night and were acting crazy: running around and talking during the rehearsal...and no one said anything to them!
In order to cope with all this information, I took a nap in the teacher's room upstairs. :)
The rest of the day my emotions went back and forth. That evening I went to the mall with Christine and Hannah, but I couldn't really enjoy it because I was missing home and frustrated about my expectations not being met.
At least that night I was able to sleep better. On Tuesday I went to school again and felt a little better about the school. After all, I brought resources with me for teaching, and the only thing I have to teach is English. Plus I only have to plan two 1/2 hour lessons every day, which I will teach to different classes. That night again I went to the mall with Christine and Hannah, and another Philippino teacher, Ken, came along. We ate dinner at Pizza Hut. :)
Again that night I couldn't sleep after waking up at 1:15 a.m. Instead of going to school that day we went to the hotel that IPH had rented for the playgroup and kindergarten graduation. I went feeling discouraged and very tired. Sitting through the practice by myself, I kept thinking of all the things I was missing at home. Then at the end the teachers were all discussing the ceremony in Bahasa. I was getting more and more upset until finally I started crying. The others who noticed tried to comfort me, which was sweet. In the car on the way back, I had a good talk with Christine and Hannah, who encouraged me. When we got back, we only had 2 hours before we had to leave again for the actual graduation ceremony. I went along with Christine and Hannah to the hair salon, where they had their hair done for the ceremony. Since I was not part of the ceremony, I was not inspired to dress up.
Back at the hotel, most of the time I stayed with the kids in what they called the "keeping room" where they waited for their turn to go onstage. I actually got to interact with the kids, which was fun. It was encouraging to know that they actually do speak English. One of the boys was able to talk very well. He told me a joke: "Why did the 6 run from the 7? Because 7 8 (ate) 9!" Then he wanted me to come over with him and jump in front of the air conditioner to feel the cold air coming out. He said it felt like winter. :)
The ceremony was very long and only having 3 hours of sleep began to catch up with me. I sat down on the floor and fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, several of the children were staring at me. Then I laid down and fell asleep again. I woke up to a child poking me and saying, "Wake up, miss!" :) It was cute how fascinated they were by me falling asleep.
Then the ceremony was over and I went out to the lobby where the food was set out for the parents. I waited with the other teachers and then they started taking pictures. It was funny because all these teachers wanted to get pictures with me. I felt like a celebrity. :) It was wierd being the only caucasian in the whole place. I was encouraged that the Indonesian teachers seemed more interested in getting to know me than they did at the beginning of the week.
When we finally got back around 9 I went right to bed and slept...until 3. Oh well, at least I'm making progress. :)
Today at school I had another encouraging talk with Christine. She said she felt the same way as me last year when she started. It was also her first teaching job. But she encouraged me that I can do it! I was able to look through a little more of the "curriculum" and bring back things to work on back at the apartment. School does not start until July 19, so I am not worried about getting it done.
Well, today my new roommates arrived! I met them before I came over to check my e-mail. We didn't talk long because they traveled all night and wanted to sleep. Hopefully they will want to hang out with me.
Sorry this is such a long entry, but I wanted to share what's been going on. Please pray for me just to completely trust God and to find comfort in Him when I am sad.
I will close with some random fun facts about Indonesia and my week:
- Bahasa seems like it will be an easy language to learn since it is not tonal and uses the same alphabet as English.
- There are random American chains here like Gloria Jean's Coffee and Citi bank! I never would have guessed they would be here.
- There is a tv with cable in my apartment and the other day I heard two Owl City songs on the music chanel!
- There is a lizzard in my room that I have seen a couple of times. He reminds me of Thailand, although he is the only one I have seen here.
- Dragon fruit is here too! That was a special blessing for me. :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Hello everyone! I arrived in Indonesia last night at 10:30 (local time). Let me update you first on my trip here. As some of you might remember me saying, I was a little nervous about the layover in Taiwan because it was 12 and 1/2 hours! Well, it turned out really well. I met a couple of people on a free tour that the airport offered for those with long layovers. The tour was such an answer to prayer! The first lady I met was Susan and she was on her way back to Korea. She was on the flight from Newark with me, so we went through customs in Taiwan and waited for the tour together.
The tour was pretty neat. We got to see an old city street and a temple and then a street where they were selling ceramics. I bought a bowl. :) Taiwan reminded me a lot of Thailand. There were even a few 7-11s!
After finding my gate, another girl from the tour, Claire, came over and talked to me. She is a world traveler herself and was coming back from vacation in Indonesia! She was encouraging me about this new experience. It was a cool gift from God to be able to talk to someone who had just come from here.
When I got to Indonesia Ms. Angie and Nila from the school met me and took me to my apartment. It turns out I am living in Country Heritage Resorts which is a hotel but you can live long term too. Before you get too excited about the word resort, let me just tell you that it is not perfect! But I think I will enjoy living here, even though it is 45 minutes from school! :( Which means I will have to leave at 6 a.m. every morning!
It took me until 4 a.m. to fall asleep last night, so I had a lot of time to think about being here for two years. Since everything always seems worse in the middle of the night, I was kind of depressed for a little while. But I know God is with me and it will be all right here. It will just take some getting used to.
Today Ms. Angie and two other teachers from IPH: Mae and Mavik took me shopping at Carrefour, a store they also have in Thailand! There are a lot of things available here, which is nice! The only thing I couldn't find is laundry stain remover. We met another teacher, Ella, from a different school there. She ended up helping me the most because she didn't have any shopping to do.
After that we had lunch at KFC :), and then went to an electronics store where I bought a cell phone! (yay!) Then we went to Supermall (which in the words of Ella, "it's a mall, but super") where we saw the movie "Prince of Persia". When we got outside again it was 6:30 p.m. and I was disappointed to see that it was dark already. Apparently Indonesian nights start earlier than the ones back home.
When they dropped me off at the aparment, I met three other teachers who live in the apartments right now. Two of them are moving out of the apartment that I will later occupy after they leave. They took me to two convience stores nearby and then to a restaurant where we had dinner.
So, it's been a long and full day. It's been good to keep busy, mainly so I could stay awake all day. Speaking of that, I'd better go to sleep because I am going to the school tomorrow and everyone is leaving at 6:15. I will write more later!