Monday, September 6, 2010

Sparkling Surabaya

Let me explain the title of my post. There is a taxi company here called Bluebird, and on the back of all the taxis, the "Sparkling surabaya" logo is printed. I think that is the phrase coined by the city about itself.
Anyways, what have I been up to... Last Sunday (aug. 29) I went to this really neat boating place with Glyne and her friend Lidia. We rode a boat out to this one stop, and on the way we could see glimpses of the ocean farther out. We stopped at this one place and walked along a rickety bamboo walkway. We sat on this platform overlooking the water where we could feel the ocean breeze. It was so relaxing and refreshing!
This past week I have not been up to much besides teaching. On Friday afternoon we stayed late at school to prepare a snack for the people breaking their fast out on the street. I guess it is customary to do that during this time of year. It was funny; the snacks toke us an hour to prepare and about 5 minutes to pass out.
On Saturday I went to my bible study again and then from there went to meet some friends to help at an English group for children. On the way, I stopped with a lady from the bible study to have lunch. I tried soto bebek (duck soup) and it was very good!
The English club was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing the children and talking with them a little bit. Actually, it was a good review for my bahasa knowledge, because the group leader spoke in bahasa most of the time. Because she spoke slowly, I was able to understand most of it.
This week is a short one for teaching (just monday, tuesday, and wednesday). After that we have a break until Sept. 20! Yay! I am planning on going to Bali with one of my housemates. So we are leaving on Friday. Please pray that we can figure everything out with housing there and coming back (we still don't have return tickets). I will update you later, maybe after my trip!!


  1. Oh Janita, the boat trip sounded marvelous with the ocean breeze and beauty. Did you take pictures? I hope so. What a nice way to spend your last weekend with Glynne. I know you will miss her tremendously so it is a good thing that you are planning on going there for Christmas.

  2. Wow, you're just the world traveler! Have fun! :)
